Positive Train Control

To ensure the safety of trains, passengers and track workers, as well as guarantee uninterrupted traffic flow, the US Rail Safety Improvement Act mandates the adoption of Positive Train Control (PTC) systems.
PTC is designed to provide safety by eliminating the elements of human error in responding to communication signals sent by wayside equipment. Each PTC system is comprised of four components: GPS satellite data, locomotive based (onboard) equipment, the dispatching office and wayside interface units.

Within the new PTC systems, innovative and updated AC panel protectors is a must, through technology advancement of silicon, hybrid (silicon | MOV) and MOV technology, quicker reaction and safer operation for panel, signal line, data line protection systems is now a reality.

Positive Train Control (PTC) promises a new level of safety and efficiency for US railroads. To deliver on its promise, reliable data transfer must occur. One component of ensuring the uninterrupted data transfer is surge protection, which has to meet new demands as the components of PTC continue to advance in sensitivity and complexity.

Transtector Systems provides AC, DC and data line surge protection solutions for the onboard and wayside rail applications required for Positive Train Control deployment. Contact our dedicated PTC sales and engineering team at 1.800.882.9110 for further information or assistance with your network requirements.

' Surge Protection for Rail Transportation Networks

Protección Contra Sobretensión para Redes de Transporte Ferroviario

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